Understanding the USF Pt 1
Art. 37 Unsportsmanlike foul
37-1 Statement. The game clock shows 2:00 minutes or less in the fourth quarter and in each overtime, and the ball is out-of-bounds for a throw-in still in the hands of the official or already at the disposal of the player taking the throw-in. If at this moment a defensive player on the playing court causes contact with a player of the offensive team on the playing court and a foul is called, it is an unsportsmanlike foul.
37-2 Example: With 0:53 remaining on the game clock in the fourth quarter, thrower-in A1 has the ball in his hands or at his disposal when B2 contacts A2 on the playing court. A foul is called on B2.
Interpretation: B2 has obviously made no effort to play the ball and has gained an advantage by not allowing the game clock to restart. B2 shall be charged with an unsportsmanlike foul without a warning being given. A2 shall attempt 2 free throws with no line-up. The game shall be resumed with a team A throw-in from the throw-in line in its frontcourt. Team A shall have 14 seconds on the shot clock.
37-3 Example: With 0:53 remaining on the game clock in the fourth quarter, A1 has the ball in his hands or at his disposal when A2 contacts B2 on the playing court. A foul is called on A2.
Interpretation: A2 did not gain an advantage by being charged with a foul. A2 shall be charged with a personal foul, unless there is hard contact called as an unsportsmanlike foul. The game shall be resumed with a team B throw-in from the place nearest to where the foul occurred.
We encourage you to pre and post game ask the Umpire-In-Charge (this is their role) how they determine this call and keep open respectful conversation with the Umpire-In-Charge
Understanding the USF Pt 2
Art. 37 Unsportsmanlike foul
37-4 Statement. When the game clock shows 2:00 minutes or less in the fourth quarter and in each overtime, and after the ball has left the hands of the player taking the throw-in, a defensive player, to stop or not to restart the game clock, causes contact with an offensive player who is just about to receive or has received the ball on the playing court. If such contact is a legitimate attempt to directly play the ball, the contact shall be called immediately as a personal foul, unless there is hard contact called as an unsportsmanlike or disqualifying foul.
37-5 Example: With 1:02 remaining on the game clock in the fourth quarter and with the score A 83 – B 80, the ball has left A1 hands on a throw-in, when B2 contacts A2 on the playing court who is about to receive the ball. A foul is called on B2.
Interpretation: B2 shall be charged with a personal foul, unless B2 contact is not a legitimate attempt to directly play the ball or the severity of B2 contact requires an unsportsmanlike or disqualifying foul to be called. The game shall be resumed with a team A throw-in from the place nearest to where the foul was called.
37-6 Example: With 1:02 remaining on the game clock in the fourth quarter and with the score A 83 – B 80, the ball has left A1 hands on a throw-in, when A2 contacts B2 on the playing court. A2 is charged with a foul on B2.
Interpretation: A2 did not gain an advantage by being charged with a foul. A personal foul shall be called on A2 immediately, unless there is hard contact called as an unsportsmanlike foul. The game shall be resumed with a team B throw-in from the place nearest to where the foul occurred.
We encourage you to pre and post game ask the Umpire-In-Charge (this is their role) how they determine this call and keep open respectful conversation with the Umpire-In-Charge