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Changes affecting Church Basketball


Article 17.2.8.


When the game clock shows 2:00 minutes or less in the last quarter and in each overtime, on a throw-in the defensive player shall not move any part of his body over the boundary line to interfere with the throw-in. The official shall use a preventative signal (the arm waved up and down parallel to the boundary line) as a warning while administering the throw-in. A violation after the warning shall lead to a Technical Foul.


Reason, to prevent the throw-in violations and delay during the last 2 minutes of the game.


Article 24.1.1.


Now reads: “A dribble is the movement of a live ball caused by a player in control of that ball who throws, taps, or rolls the ball on the floor.” The words “or deliberately throws it against the backboard” have been deleted.


Article 29 – 24 Seconds.


There have been substantial changes made to this rule – these are briefly summarised below. While in Church Basketball there is no visible 24 second shot clock, it is the responsibility of the court officials to advise how much time is left for a field goal attempt to ensure teams do not take advantage of the absences of a shot clock and attempt to waste time in a game.


Article 29.2.2.


Now reads: The shot clock shall be reset whenever a throw-in is awarded to the opponents’ team after the game is stopped by an official for a foul or violation (including for the ball having one out-of-bounds) committed by the team in control of the ball. The shot clock shall also be reset if the new offensive team is awarded throw-in according to the alternating possession procedure.

If the throw-in is the administered in that teams’:


- Backcourt, the shot clock shall be reset to a new 24 seconds.
- Frontcourt, the shot clock shall be reset to 14 seconds.


Article 29.2.3.


When the game shows 2:00 minutes or less in the final quarter (or half for Church Basketball) and in each overtime, following a time out taken by the team that is entitled to the possession of the ball from its backcourt, the coach of that team has the right to decide whether the subsequent throw-in shall be administered at throw-in line opposite the scorer’s table in the team’s frontcourt or in the team’s backcourt. If the throw-in is to be administered at the throw-in line opposite the scorer’s table in the team’s frontcourt the shot clock shall be reset as follows:


- If 14 seconds or more is displayed on the shot clock at the time when the game clock was stopped, the shot clock be reset to 14 seconds.

- If 13 seconds or less is displayed on the shot clock at the time when the game clock was stopped, the shot clock shall not be reset, but continue from the time it was stopped.


If the throw-in shall be administered in the team’s backcourt the shot clock shall be reset to a new 24 seconds or continue from the time it was stopped as defined by the rules.


Reason, to shorten the time the offensive team has at its disposal for a shot, once a team is already in the frontcourt. To allow for more opportunities for a shot for a field goal during the game.


We encourage you to pre and post game ask the Umpire-In-Charge (this is their role) how they determine this call and keep open respectful conversation with the Umpire-In-Charge


#community #faith #basketball #WeAreChurchBall


Article 35.1.2 – in the definition of a Double Foul.


This is an addition. To consider 2 fouls as a double foul, the following conditions must apply:

- Both fouls are player fouls.
- Both fouls involve physical contact.
- Both fouls are between the same 2 opponents fouling each other.
- Both fouls have the same penalty.


Reason, to simplify the foul principles in the situation when 2 opponents commit personal fouls against each other at approximately the same time.

Article 36.4 penalty.


When a Technical foul is called, 1 free throw shall be awarded.

- The free throw shall be awarded immediately. After the free throw, the throw-in shall be administered by the team which had control of the ball or was entitled to the ball when the technical foul was called, from the place nearest to where the ball was located when the game was stopped.

Reason, to avoid double penalty situation after a Technical Foul is called and to ensure the balance between team with the ball or without the ball.


Article 39.


An addition to the article. Any team bench personnel who, after leaving the team bench area, is actively involved in a fight shall be disqualified according to the respective articles.


Reason, to penalise team bench members for leaving the team bench area during the fight on the court differently (whether they are actively in the fight or not).

Article 50. If a live ball lodges between the ring and the backboard, unless between free throws and unless a possession of the ball is part of the foul penalty, it is a jump ball situation resulting in an alternating possession throw-in. As the ball has touched the ring, the shot clock shall be reset to 14 or a new 24 seconds.

Reason, the ball lodging between the ring and the backboard shall be considered as the ball having touched the ring. To be in line with the other similar articles.


Articles 37 and 38 penalties.

All throw-ins as the part of an unsportsmanlike and disqualifying foul shall be administered from the throw-in line in the team’s frontcourt. All throw-ins to the game after a fighting situation has occurred shall be administered from the throw-in line in the team’s front court.


In all cases the team shall have 14 seconds on the shot clock.

NB. On those courts where the throw-in line is not marked the throw-in is taken from the sideline opposite the scorer’s table at a point level with the top of the three point arc.


Article 38.2.4.


If the foul is a disqualification of an assistant coach, substitute, excluded player or an accompanying delegation member (team manager), including for leaving the bench area in a fighting situation, and this foul is charged to the coach as a Technical Foul:

2 free throws shall be awarded.


Reason. To clarify when a Technical Foul against a coach shall be penalised with 1 or 2 free throws.


We encourage you to pre and post game ask the Umpire-In-Charge (this is their role) how they determine this call and keep open respectful conversation with the Umpire-In-Charge

Contact Us


Competition Coordinator


Phone: 0476 262 011

Postal Address: PO Box 189, Parkholme, SA 5043


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