Hit the Beach/Water as a team
Surfs up (or doggy paddle if not a great swimmer) as the hot Adelaide weather is about to hit SA and its the perfect time to start thinking about the outdoors outside the four walls of the gym.
Post game why not grab your team and head down to our South Australian beaches and get some recovery, maybe even crank out some fun beach sports if you're not too sore from balling in the arvo.
I encourage you to spend some time as well appreciating the amazing environments we have in these areas and about the amazing creation they are for our wonderful city.
“In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land." – Psalm 95:4-5
Photo credit to Hazel Cochrane (WeekendNotes Adelaide) of our beautiful Glenelg beach