Was it out of bounds?
23.1. Definition
23.1.1. A player is out-of-bounds when any part of his body is in contact with the floor, or any object other than a player above, on or outside the boundary line.
23.1.2. The ball is out-of-bounds when it touches:
A player or any other person who is out-of-bounds.
The floor or any object above, on or outside the boundary line.
The backboard supports, the back of the backboards or any object above the playing court.
23.2. Rule
23.2.1. The ball is caused to go out-of-bounds by the last player to touch or be touched by the ball before it goes out-of-bounds, even if the ball then goes out-of-bounds by touching something other than a player.
23.2.2. If the ball is out-of-bounds because of touching or being touched by a player who is on or outside the boundary line, this player causes the ball to go out-of-bounds.
23.2.3. If a player(s) move(s) to out-of-bounds or to his backcourt during a held ball, a jump ball situation occurs.
We encourage you to pre and post game ask the Umpire-In-Charge (this is their role) how they determine this call and keep open respectful conversation with the Umpire-In-Charge